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a site for us to link to:
List last modified on: Sunday, December 14, 2003
Cape Forge - creators of Hand Forged Wood Carving Tools
Cape Forge creates Hand Forged Wood Carving tools. Everything from knives, chisels, drawknives and more. They will also create from your designs. Visit their web-site for lots of great tips.
| Black and Decker
Black and Decker invented the Electric Drill. Now one of the largest makers of power tools in the world, their web site is mostly corporate with contact and financial information but little else.
Adria Woodworking Tools
Adria Woodworking Tools manufactures high quality reproductions of traditional hand saws such as dovetail saws and tenon saws.
| Commercial suppliers of tools, woodworking supplies &Etc. |
Zigans Woodcrafts youir online plans store
We are adding new woodworking plans weekly for all levels of woodworking. Thank You for your time
| Woodworkweb.com - woodworking community
WoodWorkWeb is an Internet community designed for all sections of woodworkers. Our site provides message boards, latest news, links listing, story submission, and much more.
| Woodworking Plans & Patterns
Woodworking Project plans and Patterns for Swings, Gliders , Garden Furniture and More!
| Woodworking Info & Supplies: TheWoodBox
We have lots of information on woodworking, woods, etc... We also carry intarsia patterns, Canadian & Exotic woods + more...
| Woodworkers Auction
A site to match woodworkers selling their handcrafted products with interior designers and home decorators looking for unique and quality furnishings and accessories for their homes or projects. Additional information, classifieds, message board and chat room for woodworkers and interior designers. Add a link to our link page.
Find a supplier for any wood or wood-related material in WoodFinder's searchable online database of wood suppliers, featuring species/keyword searches and "quick searches" for specialty woods and services. Browse through the wood library, find bargains on the "Specials & Closeouts" page, and check out the wood information links.
| Woodcraft
Woodcraft has been around a long time. Their catalog may not be as asthetically as pleasing to look at as Garrett Wade but they have an excellent selection of tools, hardware, finishing supplies, materials, and books and plans for all types of woodworking. They have a very wide range of woodcarving supplies.
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