Welcome to the Museum of Woodworking Tools!
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We are proud to present A Guide to Honing and Sharpening by Maurice Fraser, a master teacher of woodworking. This is the Museum's first instructional exhibit. But just as we think it's important to explore the history and details of woodworking tools, we think it's important to preserve the knowledge of technique. This exhibit is one of the largest and most comprehensive examinations of honing published anywhere, and we hope you enjoy it.
In our store we carry fine reproductions of classic woodworking tools, spare parts for Stanley planes and just about everything you might need to equip a shop. While it is wonderful to be able to see rare tools on display, it is just as important to celebrate the new tools that are being made today by artisans who appreciate and understand the toolmaking tradtion. To that end we have brought together the work of some of the finest toolmakers in the United States and the world. Some of these toolmakers are doing faithful reproductions of classic tools, while others are interpreting and innovating. And, as always, the Museum Store carries an enormous selection of books on wood and metal work, early trades and tool collecting. Please visit.
Please feel free to explore the Museum's growing links page. We welcome your ideas and links suggestions - please add the links you want to share. Some of the Museum's links may already be familiar to you, but others are more off-beat and unusual.
To all of you who have visited in the past, thank you for your support. We have received hundreds of great letters, links to dozens of relevant sites, and press coverage in The New York Times, Popular Mechanics, and many woodworking magazines.
Enjoy your visit!
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