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List last modified on: Sunday, December 14, 2003
Hart Wood Tools
Makers of High Quality handtools, such as planes and marking knives, by a professionally trained English maker.
| Greenwoodworking tools and hand forged items
Private Blacksmith supplier of hand forged tools and items for use!!!!! Colour catalogue at this site. Also makes items for re-enactment societies, specialist N American Indian Style curved knives and carving tools....
| Gorilla Tree Tools
Online sales of power tools and hardware supplies for the amateur and professional craftsman along with showcasing projects by a resident craftsman and gardener
| Garrett Wade Tool Catalog
Finest quality woodworking hand tools sourced all over the world, Inca machinery, Multico mortisers, books, accessories, finishing supplies, brass furniture hardware
| G&M Woodcopy Lathes Distributors
Distributors of VEGA & HAPFO Wood copy Lathes & Duplicators
| Fine Tools
Offer high quality hand tools for all purposes. Buy safely online from our secure shop. 8
| Feather Animation Wood Carving Supplies
Feather Animation is the place to go for quality wood carving supplies at competitive prices. Some of our supplies are Pfeil Swiss made carving tools Bill Palmer carving knives, Quackwood carving knives and other tools. Check out our web site www.woodcarcingsupply.com to look at some fantastic tools
| Edward Jorgensen - Master Cabinetmaker
We are a family-owned furniture and accessory studio located in California. Our specialties include humidors, music and jewel boxes, clocks, home furnishings and antique restoration. We are experts in Colonial, Federal and English styles of furniture. Online we sell, designs and plans for you to make youself and have a how-to newsletter sold on a subscription basis. Come see us!
| eco-artware
Gallery of crafts from recycled, reused and natural materials by 30 innovative artists.
| Drill Bits Plus
Look for cordless drills, workbenches and other tools. Drill Bits Plus sells quality tools at discount prices. Get the small business feel here. Free shipping!
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